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Re: Onemanga

Publicado: 09 Abr 2010 23:48
por Babylon


The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident.

Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down.

Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit.

Este manga es brutal. Aún no está terminado pero me encanta. La historía es una que abre los ojos, los personajes están muy currados y me encantan. El estilo del dibujo también me encanta. Puro vicio.

Aunqué la historia puede parecer deprimente o poco atractiva la forma en la que lo trata te mantiene interesado sin estar de bajona. Te hace reflexionar sobre la suerte que tienes de no tener una lesión medular (lo siento si alguno de los que leeis esto tenéis alguna lesión de este tipo pero leer este manga me hace ponerme un poco en su lugar).