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Mensaje por wendigo »

http://www.todaviapordeterminar.com/sut ... html#73436

Es el bueno, por si lo quereis ir bajando.Supongo que pronto habrá subs.
Última edición por wendigo el 10 Nov 2005 18:18, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: 06 Nov 2002 18:44
Ubicación: Santaella

Mensaje por arafat »

Para poner enlaces de la mula hay un puto subforo.

Despues nos chapan el pH y lloramos.
El perrico, definiendo la HAMBROSIA a ma112nu escribió:Un curasán aceitoso y calentico chorreando en el plato, la sonrisa de un niño, las ttks, un perolo de gazpacho manchego con medio kilo de pan para mojar, las ttks, las pelis de chinos dándose hostias, los ninjas, Mr. T, Mr.T luchando contra los ninjas, cualquier animal comestible, las ttks, correr desnudo por la playa alrededor de la gente mientras silbo el opening de battlestar galactica, la shandy cruzcampo de abadía belga, los torreznos, cualquier cosa rebozada, cagar en espiral, cosas asín, manu, cosas asín.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Mensaje por wendigo »

Perdone don morou. Tampoco hay que ponerse asín.

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Registrado: 20 Mar 2003 14:40
Ubicación: vivo con tu madre en la calle del pepino

Mensaje por niñosimio »

Pa evitar tenere que poner los linkis aquí y pa no tenere que acordanse de ello sus aconsejo que miréis en este forico que sus pongo a continuación, tiene todos lo elinkis feten de la primera y la segunda temporá con sutitulicos y ademas podéis hablare con los coleguis que cualo perdidico sos pone más burracas.


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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Mensaje por wendigo »

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Mensaje por wendigo »

A los de


Se les está yendo la pinza.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Mensaje por wendigo »

Una teoría currada. (tiene algún spoiler de la segunda temporada)

I'll make this as brief as I can:

Meet Hans Oersted:

Hans O. discovered electromagnetism in 1820.

In 1999 the 'Oersted' satellite was launched with the purpose of charting Earth's magnetic field. The findings led scientists to believe that there might be a polar reversal imminent, the effects of which could be cataclysmic: if Earth were to lose its magnetosphere, it would be vulnerable to massive radiation from the space/sun. The satellite also revealed an anomaly in the magnetic field under South Africa; it is pointing the opposite direction from the rest of the Earth's field and has been growing for hundreds of years. Please Google this info. A similar idea was also used in the film 'The Core'.

Meet Hannes Alfvén:

His contribution to science - mainly in the field of electromagnetism - revolutionized how scientists view the universe, winning a Nobel Prize on the way. He spoke English, German, French, Russian, and some Spanish and Chinese; and studied oriental philosophy and religion. He spent time in the Fiji Islands. He was fascinated by the "green flash" - a phenomenon that sometimes occurs at sunset. By no coincidence (Green Lantern and Flash comic):

He also wrote fiction: The Great Computer: A Vision (1968) telling the story of computers taking over the world. Google "Hannes Alfvén".

Alfvén plus Hans O. equals Alvar Hanso.

The above outlines the reason for - and a means to control - the island...

Scientists, fearing the cataclysmic events of a polar reversal, prepared an environment for the survival of the human race. They either directly or indirectly engineered the kind of people who would make up a community fit for survival and propagation of a new world. In the main, this means characters without father/mother figures; and/or characters with skills for survival: a doctor, an engineer, a survivalist, a mercenary; and characters of sufficiently varied genetic background: african, caucasian, asian, etc. to ensure a healthy gene pool for generations.

Then on an island which already had a massive natural source of electromagnetism, they constructed an artificial magnetosphere, alluded to in Walt's/Hurley's comic:

to repel the deadly cosmic rays that Earth's magnetosphere used to repel. The hope was that the community could thrive, grow and, eventually, repopulate/recover the world.

The Dharma Initiative under Alvar Hanso (if both of these thing exist in the Lost reality - much of the Orientation film is red herrings for the 'survivors') used a technology based on remote viewing and electromagnetism to power this magnetosphere and to influence the lives of the future island candidates. As stated in another of my posts: every strange (and a lot of mundane) occurrences in Lost can be attributed to electromagnetism as wielded by the collective consciousness on the island (see "Enlightenment Theory"). When all the candidates were in place, i.e. on the plane, the collective consciousness knocked everyone out, brought it down, cryogenically preserved them, dismantled the plane (placing enough debris in the ocean to ensure an "everybody dead" verdict); years later, some plane debris was placed on the beach with the passengers and the scene was set to give the illusion that they had JUST crashed. Then the collective consciousness woke them up.


The joke/password about the snowmen is an allusion to being cryogenically frozen.

The collective consciousness is that group of scientists that became so totally absorbed into remote viewing and electromagnetism that they now operate on frequencies of electromagnetism (covering everything from light to sound) only. They can read minds as well as manipulate iron and other conductive material. Claire wondered why there was not one comb or hairbrush on the entire plane; the reason: the slight electrostatic charges that hairbrushing creates is interference for the collective consciousness.

Much of the Orientation film and what Desmond says is false and purely to ensure that our heroes press those bloody buttons every 108 minutes. The purpose is threefold: to provide a focus for the community - a reason to go on and something 'meaningful' that goes beyond rational decision-making; secondly, to protect the hatch/power-supply/scientists behind the concrete; and, thirdly, to download the information from the Oersted satellite as it orbits the Earth every 108 minutes (please Google this) to get the latest on the magnetic poles.


The collective consciousness messed with this bird's navigation (based on magnetism - birds have magnetite in their beaks).

Sayid tells Jack that either the compass is wrong or North has moved. In fact, North has moved.

Walt seems to become a knife-throwing expert. He isn't. The metal knife was guided by the collective consciousness in an attempt to bring him closer to Locke, who is the island's most faithful servant.

The presence of this ship is an indication that this island has always been known as a source of great magnetic power (the word "magnet" comes from "Magnesia" the land where the first black rock with powers of attraction was found). The location of this ship is an indication of the island's volcanic past - pushing the island higher - the ship is now inland. (Lava cools to form basalt; at the point basalt solidifies it takes on the same magnetic field as the surrounding location, thus providing information of the magnetic field's past.)

BF Skinner's dubious theories form the basis for the methods used by collective consciousness to socially engineer this 'utopia'. They are the voices in the trees, they are the visions, they are the black fog (metal in a magnetic field), the monster (mechanical, but designed to embody each survivor's personal fear). They use every psychological trick in his books to manipulate the survivors into forming a stable long-lasting community ON the island; and their means to this end are extensive.



The two images above are an explicit example of how the influence of the Dharma's collective consciousness has pervaded in the survivors' lives: notice the octagonal ceiling in both shots; and the metal balls in the second scene.

The opening shot of most episodes - the eye - establishes that this epsiode's main character will percieve what the collective consciousness wishes to show them. In this episode, Boone has an epiphanous vision courtesy of the collective consciousness and is later murdered with a falling plane!

Locke can walk now. Locke has no feeling in his legs. Locke's ability to walk is based on the collective consciousness' will. It makes him obedient. This level of obediency may be required of all the survivors eventually. His legs move because the collective consciousness allows those tiny electronic impulses from his brain via the spine to get through to muscles in his legs.

To summarize: our heroes never actually crashed; they are the future of mankind - the survivors of a cataclysmic polar event of which they are unaware; they are on the island to survive, procreate and repopulate the Earth. They are unaware of this plan which is sustained by a sophisticated collective consciousness and a group of scientists using electromagnetic power, and psychological techniques of reward and punishment.

There is more, but that's the gist.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Mensaje por wendigo »

Spoilers de la segunda tambien


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Registrado: 10 May 2003 16:39
Ubicación: Al otro lado del silencio

Mensaje por jubilao »

Recuperación: En Irlando sólo falló el último. Un cinquillo a la primitiva. Sábado 19 Nov 2005:

Urdu escribió: Tengo fotos actualizadas de mi rabo.

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Registrado: 31 Jul 2004 19:59
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Mensaje por jairo195 »

Bien, he visto el último capítulo de la primera temporada hace una hora, y sólo puedo aportar (que no sé si servirá para algo):

Que antes de aparecer los dos osos polares Walt estaba leyendo el cómic en el que salen.
Lo mismo pasa cuando lo del pájaro ése que se estrella contra el cristal.
Fue el niñajo el que dijo que no se abriese la escotilla, también.
Locke, en cambio, es el único vivo que se ha encontrado cara a cara con el sistema de defensa.
Backgammon "ficha blanca, ficha negra". Locke y Walt. Los dos que saben algo de qué va la cosa.

Y en cuanto a curiosidades numéricas, antes de que Hurley suba al avión pasa por delante de un equipo de ¿fútbol? femenino cuyos dorsales son los numeracos de marras. aparte de que el asiento de Jack era el 23 y la tía del tequila el 42, igual que la recompensa por Kate, como ella dijo y el número de supervivientes de la isla. Todo esto tiene altas posibilidades de ser completamente intrascendente.
Ah bueno, también es curioso, así como inútil, que dos de los personajes que más sabe de a isla se llamen como dos famosos filósofios: Locke y Rousseau.

¿Eso del gif animado es el pajarraco que aparece al fina del penúltimo capítulo de la primera temporada? ¿Cuando dice Hurley lo de "quién lo llamó territorio oscuro era un genio" o algo así?
