WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por wendigo »

Así que si, en principio jugaría al juego en offline, pero seguiré tu consejo de pasarme de vez en cuando al otro lado.

Sí, y si vas intercalando, mejor. Es decir que no dejes el online para cuando tengas todo el offline hecho. Por ejemplo, si vas a buscar algún item para terminar algun set de equipo o algo así, pues te vas al online a haecrlo, aunque sea forever alone. Así vas completando misiones.

Es que hay misiones que hay que verlas. Yo hice una de un bicho gigantesco en el desierto y me quedé flipado.

PD: Creo que no sé qué es un bundle.

Una gilipollez que he dicho cuando podría haber dicho pack.

Si vas a juegar al Little King Story tirando de, ejem, copia de seguridad, por ejemplo con el uLoader (desde la pantalla donde seleccionas que juevo cargar) puedes cambiarle el idioma. Yo fue lo primero que hice antes de empezar la partidica.

Es verdaz, pero si se lo compra va a tener que tirar de cambiarle el idioma a la wii o abrirlo desde uloader, me da a mi.

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Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por Jazzid »

Actualización de la 3DS:


Lo primero que he probado es la eShop. No tiene gran cosa:

- Un video y capturas del Ocarina para poner los dientes largos. En la pantalla táctil está el mapa, las armas, la ocarina, etc. Y en la 3D, evidentemente, el juego.

- ExciteBike en 3D: juego sobrevalorado por Nintendo, pero it's free, y es curioso verlo en 3D. Lo he abierto para verlo, y creo que no lo volveré a tocar nunca más.

- Pokédex 3D: información sobre los pokémon, para el que le guste (yo no).

- Consola virtual: igual que con la Wii en su lanzamiento, Nintendo ha rebuscado entre la mierda que hay en la Game Boy y ha cogido tres pastelazos, con la de grandes títulos que hay para esta consola. Super Mario Land a 4€, sochorizos, no vale eso ni el juego original, Tennis y Alleyway a 3€. Por 1€ en el mercado de San Antonio tienes estos 3 juegos y más en un cartucho de 99999 in 1.

- DSiWare: Como en la DSi, me he bajado el Rytmik. Mola.

Ventaja: Se paga con dinero, y no con puntos Nintendo. Espero que se puedan cambiar los puntos estrella por saldo en la 3DS.
Desventaja: No se pueden poner las descargas en segundo plano.

Y ahora lo peor: El navegador de mierda. Muy parecido al de la Wii, pero con la diferencia de que no tiene Flash. En el año 2011. Puedo ver vídeos de Youtube en mi móvil pero en mi consola de "última generación" no. Bien. Que pasó con el Opera?. No es en 3D el navegador, por cierto.

En resumen, después de tanto esperar la famosa actualización de mayo que ha salido en junio, otra vez a guardar la consola hasta que se decidan de una vez a empezar a sacar juegos para ella. Como no hagan algo YA, con lo que se ha visto de la PSPVita, el batacazo va a ser tremendo.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por wendigo »

Un juego de minijuegos chorras con buena pinta? o al menos bien hecho, wat.


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Palomitero mórbido
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Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por Criadillas »

¿Es el WII sports resort ese que está a 40 pavos o así?

Si que está bien hecho, si.


Por cierto, el otro día me agencié el WII Sports (por 9,95 euros en el GAME) normalucho y para juegar con los hamigos no está mal del todo.

Lo mejor: los bolos. Son HELL BICIO.

Lo peor: en el golf le metí un manotazo a una litrona de Mahou por la mitad y la mandé a la mierda con la consiguiente herida en el dedo.

Esa consola es un arma del demoño.
Dunkis dijo:

Criadillas es un hombre triste de derechas, quién lo iba a decir.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por wendigo »

No, es del estilo, pero de Namco. De todas formas el Wii Sports Resort también mola por lo visto.

Todos tenemos heridas de guerra de la wii, es el next generation gaming, eso es ser hardcore DE BERDAD

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por wendigo »

También pegaba en anuncios con arte.


Edit: Más de Robin, Zelda y la barba.


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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por wendigo »

Mira criadillas, creo que no te vas a arrepentir de haberte pillado una wii. Review de Xenoblade por un usuario de Neogaf:

Battle system
+In addition to the normal choosing of commands, positioning and party member interaction make it more interactive than FFXII and thus more fun.
+Chain attack system is great. Connecting the same color attack increases damage exponentially, while tumbling an enemy opens up opportunity. Interesting decision choices.
+Tumble, paralyze, aura systems are great and lead to a lot of interesting battles.
+Every character is totally unique. Exact opposite of FFXII. By endgame no character is even remotely alike. All have their uses. All are fun to main as.
+Over 100 optional boss battles. Some are quite challenging and require good strategies, others are pushovers. Some just depend on what level you are when you fight them. But there's enough of them throughout, that you'll always have exciting fights with good rewards.
+No punishment for death gives an incentive to push yourself and try to fight anything you think you can. If you die, you simply start at last warp point and don't lose anything.
-3 party feels too limiting. Especially since so few spell types crossover. Someone is hit with poison? If you don't have the 1 character with cure status, you just gotta wait it out which is annoying. At times you are basically required to keep Shulk in your party and then you're limited even further to only 2 open slots. 4 person party would've gone a long way.
-AI is not terrible and you do have some control over it, but at the end of the day your AI partners will not play their characters as efficiently as you would have, which can be a bit annoying.
-Always auto-attacking while in battle. This is built into the system and so defenses are built around it occasionally. But sometimes you just want to NOT ATTACK so you don't trigger the counters, but you can't. >_<

+Great dungeon/field designs. Really intricate places with tons of secrets to reward those who explore. Lots of variety.
+Awesome weather effects. Every area has unique weather at random parts of the day.
+Gorgeous day/night cycle with music that fades nicely between night and day. Some areas become completely different during the night than they are during the day.
+One of the best endgames ever. As you go through your adventure you come across many monsters or places you can't fight or access. Endgame is going back and doing everything you couldn't during the main game. Very rewarding and pretty long.
+Quick travel and the ability to adjust time is awesome
+Save anywhere is fantastic and needs to be in more jrpgs
+400 optional quests. Some with neat stories. Some with great rewards
+Hundreds of unique named NPCs with their own stories that play out as you become more involved in the towns/cities by doing their quests
+Skill trees and borrowing skills from other trees is a good dynamic that provides lots and lots of passive skills. Some very good.
+Good amount of hidden things. Hidden skill trees, hidden attacks, hidden extensions of normal attacks, Ultimate weapons, Hidden areas, hidden npcs, etc...
+Gem crafting is neat and gems are very useful.
+Loot is alright. You get lots of it, but 75% of things in the game are useless
+Almost nothing important is missable. The few quests that are give you fair warning although they don't tell you when they expire.
+Character relation system is neat. Good rewards for building it up between characters.
-Some quests with rare drop grinds which are the worst thing ever invented. The only times I truly hated playing XB was spending 20-30 mins grinding an enemy for drops.
-Towns are sometimes too big with not enough quick travel landmarks. So when you're running quests there's a ton of in-town running back and forth to talk to people.
-Running speed is a bit slow for the size of the areas. Even with gems that boost running speed, it's capped at 125% for no reason. Should have at least uncapped it to 200% on new game+
-NPCs can be a pain to find without a guide of where everyone is at what time. Since every town has a day/night cycle you have to check the entire towns (which are huge) twice when looking for quests.
-Limited inventory SUCKS. Especially because you're constantly bombarded with items. Almost every time you kill an enemy (95%?) they leave a treasure with like 3-4 items each. Most of it junk. But just because it's fast (and because you can't compare it to your current equip) you click "take all" and move on. This means you fill up your inventories quick and often have to sell stuff to make room.
-Comparing equipment is really tedious. Especially if you ever think about buying from a shop.
-Character relation system between characters grows way to slowly. After 120 hours with everything done, you'll still only have about 50% of the relations maxed out. Growth needed to be at least twice as fast.
-Wish the game had field treasure chests as another way to reward players for exploring
-No beastiary. Inexcusable for a game like this that requires drops all the time.
-Because of no beastiary and the amount of named npcs you often have to find (and sometimes the unclear quest intructions), XB is a "wiki or die" game when trying to 100% it. Without some sort of a guide it'd be near impossible to do everything on the first run.

+Very interesting plot set in a very unique world.
+Great pacing, exciting cutscenes, mysteries, foreshadowing, twists
+Smart writing. You will not find a more intelligently written rpg this gen. The game avoids most cliches and stereotypes and at no point will you roll your eyes or have to deal with stupid characters acting idiotically. The characters (even the lead) are all intelligent people and act accordingly.

+Good length. Story size is probably about the size of two of the Xenosaga games combined. Smaller in scope and length than Xenogears though.
+Satisfying tale from start to finish. The story is great from the start and never dips even once before the end credits roll. A grand adventure.
+Good cast. Everyone is likeable, no one is generic game/anime stereotype. Character depth doesn't go as deep as something like Xenosaga.
+ or - depending on what you want. XB's story is great and cinematic, but it's not melodramatic like XG/XS/FF/KH. You will not get white room speeches with piano green grass playing. I think this is the biggest change from Takahashi's previous works. XB is not any more mainstream or less ambitious than XG/XS. The story is just as original and creative and well told, it's just that Takahashi has moved away from trying to pull the emotional strings of his audience and make melodrama. Instead it's simply a story where things happen and you enjoy them and watch the story unfold.

+Gorgeous environments
+Good character design
+Visibile equipment is pretty varied and has some real cool designs
+Nice range of tunes that are incorporated very well into the gameplay and cutscene
+Great voice acting
-Wii image quality drags things down a bit

+Large game; takes at least 60-70 hours first time. If you plan to do everything, you're looking at ~120 hours first time.

+New game+ is great. Almost everything carries over.
-Game clock stops at 99:59. Really dumb for a huge game like this

While there might be a decent amount of small negatives spread throughout the title, the fact of the matter is that in the face of the giant adventure that Xenoblade presents, they're all minor issues that only pick away at the greatness of the experience Xenoblade gives. Anyone willing to invest the time to explore the world of Xenoblade will find that it's populated with hundreds of creatures, quests, characters, bosses, and hidden tales. All which add to up to a truly satisfying console rpg experience unlike any other out there.

Without the budget/time issues that caused the 2nd disc of Xenogears, or the production issues that caused Xenosaga Ep2, Xenoblade feels like the first time Takahashi has been able to give the game experience he wanted from start to finish without resistance blocking his way. And if this is the kind of experience that Takahashi wants to give, then I can only look forward immensely to whatever he creates next.

The three years Monolith Soft spent creating Xenoblade feel truly justified by the end product. As the best game in their resume to date, and the best rpg on a Nintendo system since Chrono Trigger, Xenoblade stands as a proud example of how great rpgs are made.



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Palomitero mórbido
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Registrado: 01 Ago 2003 19:38
Ubicación: En la calle del pepino.

Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por Criadillas »

Dunkis dijo:

Criadillas es un hombre triste de derechas, quién lo iba a decir.

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Registrado: 10 May 2003 16:39
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Re: WII. Smaller Slower Weaker

Mensaje por jubilao »

mola! A ver si saco la Wii otra vez del cajón, que el enano ya no viene a verme a mi sino al Ipaz. Tiene buena pinta. Hasta Septiembre no lo busco, ¿no?
Urdu escribió: Tengo fotos actualizadas de mi rabo.
